A Morrocan spends 1 Dh on reading but 500 Dh on smoking every year !!!

Men smoke 14 cigarettes while women smoke 12 cigarettes everyday at least.
According to a national survey on the habits and consumers' behavior published in 2008, the Moroccan smoker spends 22 Dh a day in average on buying cigarettes (30% of GMW-Guaranteed Minimum Wage-).
This is concerning smoking, let's see now the situation of reading.
According to a study by the Centre for Social, Economic and Managerial studies CSEMS, published in its magazine which is called Economia on February 2010, everery Moroccan spends an average of 1 Dh a year on buying books while the international average is about 25 Dh. Only 1000 cultural books, all languages, are produced annually for the 30 million inhabitants of the kingdom.
In comparison to this, 60.000 are published in France for 60 million people, 30.000 in Iran to 70 million people.
Thus, according to a study conducted by Morocco Synovate marketing agency, "only 49% of Moroccans who are literate claimed to have read something (book, newspaper, magazine, etc.). During the last 12 months" This means that 51% of Moroccans "literate" have absolutely read nothing for a year, not even a prospectus.
According to these humilating statistics. Do you read books?
If you're reading this article, it shows that you read, but what you read, is it in a continuous and organized manner? Have you noticed a change in your life after reading a book? What is the difference between those who read and those who do not read?

Reading is imagining, reading is discovering, reading succeeding.
In the United States, a study showed that there is something in common between a hundred people who have succeeded in life and in different areas, they read at least 1 to 2 books a week (that is to say for a year, no fewer than 50 books read by person) waw!
The initiative "read at the beach": This initiative allows people free access to more than 12,000 books, 12 cabins and a number of 400 deck chairs. On top of that, they have a wide selection of books for all ages and tastes, which is proposed by the county library: documentaries, novels, comics, police ...
Not to forget also that there are facilitators present at each meeting to read at the beach, to advise and guide
readers in their choices.
Now let's see the book situation in our country (Morocco):
Without ironing the situation, the Moroccan reads very little not to say they do not read at all. Especially when we already know that a Moroccan spends only 1 dirham to buy books each year, and according to the Ministry of Culture, about 1.000 books are published each year in the kingdom, and a book that touches the bar of 1.500 copies is considered as a best seller. !!!
So why don't we read?
Yes, we can not afford to buy books as in the USA and it's true that we have not the mentality of the French people, but we have our religion that urges us to read and learn.
The first word in the Koran is "Read in the Name of thy Lord".
The prophet peace and blessings be upon him said "Seeking knowledge is a religious duty."
Ibno roched the great Arab philosopher said:
"Two days I have not read the day my father died and the day I got married"
Reading allows you to enrich your vocabulary, to self educate, to have a strong background in terms of language and good communication.
If you want to succeed in your life, and as well as leave your traces: read and share.
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